[1] Research Experience

2022-2024 Schmidt Science Fellow (SSF), MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

Mentor: Prof. Sir Keith Burnett (Founding Chair of the Academic Council of the Schmidt Science Fellows Program | President of the Institute of Physics | Former Head of the Division of Mathematical, Physical, and Life Sciences at the University of Oxford)

Collaborators: Clapperton C. Mavhunga (MIT), Daryl Yee (MIT/EPFL), Guiyin Xu (MIT/Donghua U), Xu Han (Harvard/U Kansas), Shuai Deng (Tianjin U), Weiwei Yang (Xi’an Jiaotong U), T. Alan Hatton (MIT), Ted Sargent (Northwestern),Wei Sun (Zhejiang U), Mingyi Wang (UChicago)

Project: Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilization at the Nexus of Technology, Business, and Policy

2021-2022 Impact Fellow, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) 

Project: Benchmarking and Evaluating Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

2016-2021 Graduate Research Assistant, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Integrated Micro & Nano-Fluidic Systems Laboratory (Erickson Lab)

Principal Investigator: Prof. David Erickson

Committee Members: Prof. Emmanuel Giannelis; Prof. Saurabh Mehta; Prof. Tobias Hanrath

Project 1: HI-Light – A Solar-thermocatalytic Reactor for CO2 Reduction [Link]

Project 2: FeverPhone – Fever Diagnosis with a Mobile Device [Link]

2015-2016 Visiting Graduate Research Assistant, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

Mesoscale Nuclear Materials Laboratory (Short Lab)

Inviter: Prof. Mujid Kazimi (Member of National Academy of Engineering)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Michael Short

Project: Multilayer Composite Fuel Cladding & Oxidation Experiments [Link 1] [Link 2]

2014-2015 Graduate Research Assistant, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

McGill Metals Processing Centre

Principal Investigator: Prof. Roderick Guthrie (FRSC, FCAE, FCIM)

Project: An in-situ, on-line Aqueous Particle Sensor (APS) for Micro-bubble Detection [Link]

2013-2014 Research Assistant, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

MOE Key Laboratory of Thermal-Fluid Science and Engineering

Principal Investigator: Prof. Yaling He (Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Project: Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) with Bio-cathodes

2011-2012 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an

State Key Lab of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering

Principal Investigator: Prof. Bofeng Bai

Project: A Swirl Generator for High Water-cut Crude Oil Transmission

[2] Teaching Experience

In Fall 2021, I was one of the teaching staff members for MIT Energy & Climate Ventures (Course 15.366), a multidisciplinary, team-based course that teaches the skillsets required to launch new ventures in the energy and climate space at MIT.

In Fall 2017, I was one of the three Graduate Teaching Assistants for Thermodynamics (MAE 2210) at Cornell University. I was a teaching staff member for Combustion Processes (MAE 5430).

In Winter 2015, I was the only Teaching Assistant for Advanced Process Engineering (MIME 455) at McGill University.  I was also a teaching staff member for Applied Fluid Dynamics/Heat, Mass and Fluid Flow (MIME 340 & MIME 356), and Fluid Mechanics (MECH 331).

Class of MIME 455 I was TAed for

[3] Mentoring Experience

I was fortunate to have the chance to mentor several wonderful undergraduate students at MIT, Cornell, and McGill. The collaboration led to co-authored journal publications and conference presentations. It also earned external recognitions for my undergraduate mentees. These include: